A Blooming Conversation

A Blooming Conversation

“Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh how beautiful’, and sitting in the shade.”                       …. Rudyard Kipling

Not long ago, I was in a café in Stockholm, sitting with a friend who works as a marketing professional. We were making small talk while waiting for the rest of our gang to arrive. Our conversation soon drifted towards gardening, and he confessed his ongoing struggle with keeping plants alive. He shared how he’d visit garden centers, buy a variety of beautiful flowering plants, take them home with high hopes—and, without fail, they’d be dead within a week.

“What am I doing wrong?” he asked, a bit perplexed. I have to admit being the smartass that I am, my first thought was the obvious: Did you water them? But I held back, sparing him the embarrassment of the question. Instead, I offered a more honest response with a reassuring smile and said, "You’re not alone."

I knew I needed to explain it in a way that would resonate with him. So, I carefully crafted my response: “Just like a successful marketing campaign requires a well-thought-out strategy, a thriving garden needs a plan.”

He leaned in, listened intently, but still with a look of skepticism.

I continued to explain, “this conversation is one I’ve had many times before. People want beautiful results without realizing that a successful garden will flourish with intention, care, and attention to detail.”

With that, I grabbed a pen and a napkin—something I’d seen my dad do countless times—and sketched out a simple garden strategy he could follow with ten plants that could get him started. It was a practical solution, and I could see the relief in his eyes as he realized it wasn’t as daunting as he’d imagined.

In truth, designing and creating your own garden is an engaging process that can be both easy and rewarding if you raise the awareness of your space and follow four basic rules: sun exposure, water availability, soil type, and hardiness zones. These simple factors can turn even the most reluctant gardener into a green thumb, setting the foundation for a thriving garden with far less frustration.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, here are 10 easy-to-grow plants to get you started. These plants require minimal effort, are widely available, and can thrive in most garden settings. To make things simpler for novice gardeners, I’ve grouped them into two categories: sun-loving and shade-tolerant. Once established, they are adaptable to both low and moderate watering needs, can grow in a variety of hardiness zones, and adjust well to different soil types.

I’ve grown these plants in my own garden, and they continue to thrive year after year with minimal maintenance.

Sun Plants

·       Daylilies-Exposure: sun, USDA Zone: 3-10, Soil: well drained, Water: low to medium

·       Echinacea-Exposure: sun, USDA Zone: 3-9, Soil: adaptable, Water: low

·       Lavender-Exposure: sun, USDA Zone: 5-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low

·       Salvia-Exposure: sun, USDA Zone: 3-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low

·       Rudbeckia-Exposure: sun, USDA Zone: 3-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low

Shade Plants

·       Astilbe-Exposure: ½ shade to shade, Zone: 3-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low to medium

·       Athyrium nipponcium-Exposure: ½ shade to shade, Zone: 3-8, Soil: well drained, Water: low to medium

·       Hellebore- Exposure: ½ shade to shade, USDA Zone: 3-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low to medium

·       Heuchera- Exposure: ½ shade to shade, USDA Zone: 3-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low to medium

·       Hosta- Exposure: ½ shade to shade, USDA Zone: 3-9, Soil: well drained, Water: low to medium

 In conclusion but not the end of this story, gardening isn’t about perfection—it’s about learning, experimenting, and nurturing. With just a bit of planning and the right plants, even those who’ve struggled in the past can experience the joy of watching their garden thrive. As you get started, remember that gardening is a journey, not a race. Begin with plants that suit your space, pay attention to their needs, and soon enough, you'll see the results of your efforts blossom. And who knows? You might even find yourself discovering a new passion along the way. So, whether you're looking to add beauty to your backyard or simply want to grow something green, these 10 plants are the perfect stepping stones toward a flourishing garden.

“Gardening is the greatest tonic and therapy a human being can have. Even if you have only a tiny piece of earth, you can create something beautiful, which we all have a great need for. If we begin by respecting plants, it’s inevitable we’ll respect people.” …. Audrey Hepburn

Questions or comments about this article, garden design or plant selection. Contact me! I’m here to help. Happy Gardening! info@planningmygarden.com